On this week's programme, we have our usual Gospel reflection and a short interview with John Pridmore regarding the Rathkeale Parish Mission. Ann begins our programme with a Prayer for Hope, reminding us all that we are Easter People and Alleluia is our song! The full programme is available HERE.
Rathkeale Parish Mission
The Evening Sessions take place at 7.30pm on the following topics:
Monday: God's Love (the amazing story of John Pridmore)
Tuesday: God's Mercy (a chance to meet Jesus personally)
Wednesday: God's Healing (healing service)
Thursday: God's Gift of Mary
The mission concludes on Friday evening with Mass of the Holy Spirit which will be celebrated at 7.30pm.
John's full interview is available HERE.
Gospel - Luke 24:13-35
The Emmaus Disciples by Abraham Bloemaert |
There is a danger with any of the more familiar passages of scripture that we can almost say to ourselves that we know this passage and so we may be tempted to glance over the passage without engaging with the depth and beauty of what it is saying to us. This is one such passage. The account of the two disciples journey towards Emmaus may indeed be one that we find ourselves on at the moment... perhaps we had a great dream or plan and it has fallen through... perhaps we have been disappointed and let down by people or circumstances... perhaps we too are grieving a loss (through death, unemployment, relationship breakdown etc.) and don't know where to turn... perhaps it is not who is on the journey but a family member or friend. What does today's passage say to those on this journey?
In today's Gospel, Jesus models for us how we can apply the Scriptures to whatever circumstances we may find ourselves in. The Carmelites outline how this passage shows us the way Jesus himself interprets Scripture in the light of our lived reality. (1) We must start from the facts - from our own reality - Jesus listens to the disciples and asks questions where necessary. (2) Jesus used the Bible to interpret reality in the light of God's plan for our lives. (3) God created us as a People a community drawn together around Jesus. Wherever we find ourselves, in moments of joy or disappointment, we gather together as a family at the table of the Word and the table of the Eucharist. The purpose of these three steps is so that we can start again anew... to take up our journey once more... to rise and go to Jerusalem. The Carmelites explain each of these steps in more detail HERE.
Today's Gospel reflection is available HERE.
Reflections on this weeks gospel:
Word on Fire
English Dominicans
Centre for Liturgy
Sunday Reflections
Liturgical odds and ends
Divine Office - Psalter week 3; 3rd week of Easter
Saints of the Week
May 5th - Blessed Edmund Rice
May 6th - Blessed Edward Jones
May 7th - St. Rose Venerini
May 8th - St. Peter of Tarentaise
May 9th - St. Pachomius
May 10th - St. Comgall
Vigil for Vocations: - St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society is
holding a special 3 hour vigil of prayer for vocations on Saturday, May 10th
commencing with concelebrated Mass at 6.00pm in Our Lady of the Rosary Church,
Ennis Road and concluding with Benediction at 9.00pm.
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