Showing posts with label Children's Grief Project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Children's Grief Project. Show all posts

15 Mar 2014

16th March 2014 - The Children's Grief Project - 2nd Sunday of Lent (Year A)

On this weeks programme John, Lorraine and Anne are joined by Sr Helen Culhance to share with us her work with the Children's Grief Project. We have our regular reflection on the weekly gospel as well as some other liturgical odds and ends.
You can listen to the full programme podcast HERE.
Sr Helen Culhane and Children's Grief Project

This morning we are joined by Sr Helen Culhane who tells us about her vocation story with the Sisters of Mercy and her involvement with the Children's Grief Project.

Her story of service and vocation - "I had never planned to join religious life. In my head and heart I had other plans in store for myself. I am the second eldest of ten children and had always dreamed of having my own family. However God had His plans. Let me tell you my story.......My years as a Sister of Mercy have not all been smooth sailing. I have hit many dark spots. However, I have found the words of scripture always helped, “Do not be afraid”. These words helped me to realize that I am never alone. God is always with me.

You can read her full story HERE.

The Children’s Grief Project is a support service for school-aged children and young people affected by loss through death, separation or divorce.
It provides a safe and supportive place for children and young people and their families who are grieving. The service is provided by trained and experienced people.

The Mission of the Children’s Grief Project is to raise awareness and understanding in relation to the loss children feel following bereavement or separation. The Children’s Grief Project provides grieving children and young people a place and space where they are given the opportunity to look at feelings associated with loss and learn that they are not alone. We aim to help children to overcome the obstacles that keep them from living full lives. In addition, the Children’s Grief Project strives to educate the community that grieving is an important part of life and is essential to an individual’s on-going growth and development.

You can read about some of the work of the project here.

You can listen to Sr Helen's interview excerpted from the programme HERE.

Gospel - Matthew 7:1-19

"And after six days Jesus took with him Peter and James and John his brother, and led them up a high mountain apart. And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his garments became white as light. And behold, there appeared to them Moses and Eli'jah, talking with him. And Peter said to Jesus, "Lord, it is well that we are here; if you wish, I will make three booths here, one for you and one for Moses and one for Eli'jah." He was still speaking, when lo, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him." When the disciples heard this, they fell on their faces, and were filled with awe. But Jesus came and touched them, saying, "Rise, and have no fear." And when they lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only.

And as they were coming down the mountain, Jesus commanded them, "Tell no one the vision, until the Son of man is raised from the dead."

Reflections on this weeks gospel:

Word on Fire
English Dominicans
Centre for Liturgy
Sunday Reflections
Liturgical odds and ends
Liturgy of the Hours - psalter week 2 - 2nd week of Lent
Saints of the Week
March 17th - St Patrick (Solemnity in Ireland)
March 18th - St Cyril of Jerusalem
March 19th - St Joseph - Patron of the Universal Church
March 20th - Bl John of Parma
March 21st - St Enda
March 22nd - St Lea