November 1st marked 500 years since Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses on a church door in Wittenberg, Germany - the start of the Reformation movement.
In a letter read at all Masses on the weekend of October 28/29th, Bishop Brendan remarked:
... We now know that the era Martin Luther lived in was enormously complex – socially, politically and religiously. We need to recognise he wanted to renew the Church not divide her. 500 years of history since then have seen many tragic consequences. But, as Pope Francis, reminded us on another occasion earlier this year, while the past cannot be changed, it is possible to engage in a “purification of memory”, and so “tell that history differently”. As we commemorate the Reformation, I would like to suggest that there are three points we can take away for reflection this weekend. ...
You can read the three points, and the letter, in full HERE
Bishop Brendan, writing in the November edition of Intercom Magazine:
'Today the Catholic Church is focusing again on reform, so it is helpful to look at what Luther said, much of which was eventually echoed in the Second Vatican Council. As Pope Francis reminds us, there is value in learning from others, perceiving how the Holy Spirit is at work in their experience, which may be very different to our own.'
Bishop Brendan Leahy and Bishop Kenneth Kearon, Chuch of Ireland, were also speaking on Limericks Live95fm radio on Nov 1st. A very interesting conversation, reflecting on Halloween, All Saints Day, the Catholic and Church of Ireland diocese' in Limerick and how our churches have prayed, learnt and work together today. Click below to listen in: