On the liturgical feast dedicated to Divine Love expressed in the mystery of the Blessed Trinity, in a liturgy full of symbolism and simplicity culminating with the invocation of the Holy Spirit and the intercession of the saints, Sr Louise made her final public step on a journey culminating in her professing the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience.

Regular listeners will know Sr Louise as our former Rome Correspondent who kept us informed of things roman during her time in the Eternal City.
In praise and glory of the Most Holy Trinity,
who consecrated me in Baptism and now calls me
to follow more closely Jesus Master,
Way, Truth and Life as his disciple,
Way, Truth and Life as his disciple,
I offer myself totally to God.
In your hands, Sr. Kathryn Mary Williams,
delegate of the Superior General,
before you, sisters and brothers,
I Sr. Mary Louise O’ Rourke, in full liberty,
I Sr. Mary Louise O’ Rourke, in full liberty,
make my vows of chastity, poverty and obedience
for my entire life according to the Rule of Life
of the Disciples of the Divine Master.
In communion with my sisters,
I commit myself to live in the Church, the charism of Fr. James Alberione
at the service of the Eucharist, the Priesthood and the Liturgy
for the coming of the Kingdom of God in the world.
I entrust myself to the intercession of Mary, Queen of Apostles,
of Saint Paul the Apostle and to the prayer of my sisters.
May God bring to fulfilment the work he has begun in me.
Ad multos annos Sr Mary Louise O'Rourke PDDM
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