You can listen to the podcast of this weeks programme HERE.
Bishop Trevor Williams

Bishop Trevor tells us of his life journey and how he went from the northside of Dublin to being Bishop of Limerick focusing on the winding path that his life has taken with its focus on reconciliation and the need for outreach and listening among communities. He tells us of his studies in Dubin, his ministry in England before returning to Northern Ireland in 1977 where he lived and ministered until his appointment to Limerick in 2008 including his work at Queens University and his involvement with the Corrymeela Community which promotes reconciliation and peace-building through the healing of social, religious, and political divisions in Northern Ireland. He looks to the future after his retirement as bishop with his wife Joyce and plans to continue his involvement with Corrymeela Community.
Gospel - John 20:19-23
"On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being shut where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, "Peace be with you." When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you." And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained."
Reflections on this weeks gospel:
Word on Fire
Sunday Reflections
English Dominicans
Centre for Liturgy
Liturgical odds and ends
Liturgy of the Hours - with the end of Eastertide we return to ordinary time in the LOTH and this week we start Week 10 in ordinary time, psalter week 2.
Saints of the Week:
June 9th - St Columcille (Abbot and missionary, secondary patron of Ireland)
June 10th - Bl Thomas Green
June 11th - St Barnabas (Apostle)
June 12th - St Leo III (Pope)
June 13th - St Anthony of Padua
June 14th - St Davnet
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