25 Jul 2015

Some web browsing...........

Some odds and ends to browse as you have a cuppa:

Eat, Pray, Doubt: Temptation and the Call to Love - the challenge of vocation

A Poorer, Younger Church of Great Promise

A Prophetic Pope and the Tradition of Catholic Social Teaching

The Mass of the very Old Men

The Gift of the Millennial Catholic to the Church 

Salt + Light - Why is Pope Francis so Obsessed With The Devil?

Planned Parenthood: Profiting from Infanticide
Patti Armstrong profiles the Catholic behind the Planned Parenthood scandal videos.

National Geographic Magazine - Will the Pope Change the Vatican? Or Will the Vatican Change the Pope?

“Deacons aren’t just decaffeinated priests”

Gänswein on Francis: “There is continuity with Benedict XVI”

The last decade has been challenging for American Catholics as scandals and apathy have rocked the Church. The energy generated by Pope Francis's new approach has galvanized many, but the statistics are still bleak. But are the statistics the whole story? Over at Patheos essays address the current realities in the Church and focus on the cultural trends that jeopardize faith, the hope of spiritual revitalization, and the possibilities of new vocations, of young leadership, and of radical choices for authentic discipleship. - check it out.

Summer vacation for the soul

Yet Rome Reports explains why Francis isn’t taking a summer holiday

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