Over at Patheos, Elizabeth Scalia (a.k.a. The Anchoress) is winnowing through the catholic blogosphere like a miner searching for gold and like the Angels at the end of time in the Book of Revelation is gathering many bloggers into the big barn that is Patheos.com. Keep an eye on the great additions over there such as YIM Catholic, the Crescent, Mark O'Shea and a whole lot of excellent bloggers and columnists are being welcomed to the Patheos stable. As soon as they have sorted out the various moves, hung up the curtains in the new place and dusted it out, we will update our links in the blogroll.
Given October is the month of the Rosary, we decided to start with Sarah Reinhard's reflection on years of pondering the Annunciation encouraging her to keep trying to say "yes" even when "no" would be so easy - Learning to say yes, Today.
The family of Limerick priest Fr Jerry Roche brutally murdered in Kenya in December 2009 have reiterated their opposition to the execution of his killers.
A friend of SacredSpace 102fm, the creative and thoughtful Blue Eyed Ennis has a post of short videos of the late Br Roger of Taize.
Fr Dwight Longnecker over at Standing on my Head has a piece asking Why Catholics should build beautiful Churches.
A fairly recent arrival on the Irish blogging scene is The Thirsty Gargoyle who has some excellent pieces looking at the Taoiseach's speech and a fair and balanced analysis of the issue of child sexual abuse in Irish society as well as some not so heavy and serious pieces. Comes with a high recommendation!
Parenting can be a tough job especially for the under 5's but Emily Senderstrand gives some encouragement to parents who are in The Tunnel of Parenthood.
Digitalnun reflects on fraternal correction and forgiveness from the Rule of St Benedict and how it applies to our lives outside the monastery walls.
Ever feel like time is running away from you? Well two pieces that caught our eye discussing our use of time and perception of time -
- From the Guardian - Now more then ever we need to cherish our simple pleasures and
- From Msgr Charles Pope - Does anybody really know what Time It Is? A Consideration of the Western Notion of Time, and How It is Different from Most of the World.
SacredSpace 102fm is a fan of the Irish Catholic newspaper which we cover on the programme from time to time, but the Irish Catholic also has a limited online presence. Recently Garry O'Sullivan and Cliona Bryne looked at how Vocations [are] more radical as the recession bites.
Pat Gohn provides two moments of reflection on the Monstrance and the Sanctuary Lamp. Beautiful, take your time to read them.
The irreverent, challenging and humorous Max Lindemann casts an acerbicbic eye over the canonisation process and the call to make it more "democratic" - Santo! Subito! Per Tutti?
"Because our love has grown cold" - a pointed reminder from a Byzantine Catholic over the first requirement for true ecumenism, the need to be filled with love for our fellow Christians.
Pat Gohn reflects on 9/11 2001 and how Christ is ever present in the midst of suffering and tragedy, no matter where we are on the tragic continuum, God is deliberately near to each soul and profoundly in tune with our sufferings - 9/11 and the Ever present Christ.
By the way if you are reading this blog you're Way Above Average. A Recent Study Shows Some Startling Data Regarding Catholic Internet Sites.
Douglas Murray says that we are betraying persecuted Christians in Muslim lands - After Regensburg the silence is deafening.
Did you ever wonder where the money for the parchments with the Papal wedding blessings was used for? - Vatican Diary - the pope's alms and other curiosities.
Did you know that Pope Benedict made a state trip to Germany in September? If you were relying on Irish media sources you would be forgiven for saying no to that question. If you would like to get a feel for the coverage of the visit and some of the challenging speeches and addresses given by Pope Benedict during the visit:
- The Pope's address to the Evangelical Church of Germany, "The burning question of Martin Luther must once more become our question too". Ecumenism stands or falls on the question of God and of evil. The twofold challenge of "evangelical" Protestantism and of secularization. How to revive the faith without watering it down.
- After Regensburg in 2006 and Paris in 2008, the third grand lecture of this pontificate. Pope Benedict holds it in the German capital, and in heart of its political system. Citing Saint Augustine: "Without justice what else is the state but a great band of robbers?
- "It is time once again for the Church resolutely to set aside her worldliness" Only in this way can the real scandal of Christianity, that of the cross, shine among men, without being overshadowed "by other painful scandals on the part of the preachers of the faith." The pope's speech to German Catholics active in the Church and in society.
- Pope's call for church to forsake riches stuns German clergy
- The Pope, Martin Luther and Our Time.
- John Allen sums up Three things we learned from Pope Benedict's Trip to Germany.
Reports of the demise of religious life, to paraphrase Mark Twain, are greatly exaggerated, theologian Sr. Sandra M. Schneiders said in a Sept. 24 speech, drawing applause from the audience at St. Mary’s College here for the line, “I come to praise this life, not bury it.” - Prophetic future ahead for women religious.
With the death recently of Steve Jobs, the creative genius behind Apple, the BBC had asked the question before his death whether the iPad made us anti-social? The Irish Independent noted that in the 10 years since its launch, the iPod has transformed the way we listen to music -- but not for the better. The Washington Post noted how Apple is a new religion, and Steve Jobs was its high priest.
Joseph Susanka reflects on how "I'm more "dialed in" now than I've been at any other point in my life, but I am less connected than ever". - Seeing the faces behind Facebook.
AggieCatholic examines the reasons given in recent study in the USA as to why young people leave the Christian churches.
Donald Cardinal Wuerl responds to that age old charge against the church that it is just not with it.
And finally for today, Frank Weathers reminds us that Life is Like an Epic Poem (Not a Report Card).
Hey there :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the mention and kind words for my blog Blue Eyed Ennis. I am very humbled!!
Blessings and keep up the good work here