As we have mentioned over a few weeks, next week May 5th Br Columba OSB from Glenstal will join us on the programme to discuss the Benedictine life. The following week May 12th, SS102fm is delighted that Bishop Brendán Leahy will join us on the programme to reflect on his own life journey and to share his hopes and vision for the diocese of Limerick as he joins in the journey of the Pilgrim People of God in our diocese.
You can listen to this weeks programmes podcast HERE.
Discerning a path in life
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John Casey receiving his B.Divinity (Hons) from Archbishop Bernard Longley |
You can listen to John's interview excerpted from the programme HERE.
Gospel - John 13:31-35
"When he had gone out, Jesus said, "Now is the Son of man glorified, and in him God is glorified; if God is glorified in him, God will also glorify him in himself, and glorify him at once. Little children, yet a little while I am with you. You will seek me; and as I said to the Jews so now I say to you, `Where I am going you cannot come.' A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."
Judas had hardly left the upper-room and had gone out into the night when Jesus delivers His spiritual testament to his disciples, announcing his departure to the Father as the essential precondition for the glorification of God and of the Son of Man. Soon after this farewell discourse, Jesus will no longer be with His disciples. Not that He wants to abandon them or leave them to themselves. It is because they will have to change, from being accustomed to His physical presence, to faith in His unseen presence. It is also to bring to life that presence of Jesus through the practice of a new commandment: by loving one another as He has loved us. The love of the disciples of Jesus for one another is the guarantee and the manifestation of that permanent presence of the Risen One among His own (and remember that all the baptised are disciples [followers] of Jesus). It is the mutual love of Christians for one another that characterises the Christian.
Tertullian reported that Roman used to exclaim of the Christians: “See how they love one another!” Charity, which is the love of God above all else, and the love of one’s neighbour for God’s sake, makes Christian’s Christ’s perfect followers. Charity is one of the theological virtues received at Baptism. When practiced (i.e. when used and developed), it is a gift that brings us closer to God and perfects us.
It is traditional in the Church that on the 5th and 6th Sundays of the Easter season, the gospel readings are taken from the long discourse which St John tells us Jesus had with the apostles at the Last Supper, and which is recounted from chapter 13:31 to the end of chapter 17. This is very deep teaching, so you must make a special effort to experience that it is also down-to-earth, and helps you to understand your own life.
Other reflections on this weeks gospel:
Blue Eyed Ennis
Word on Fire
English Dominicans
Centre for Liturgy
Sunday Reflections
Liturgical Odds and Ends
Liturgy of the Hours - Week 1
Saints of the Weeks
April 29th - St Catherine of Siena OP (Virgin & Doctor of the Church)
April 30th - St Pius V (Pope). It is also May Eve - a reminder of the tradition of farmers to bless their crops and fields with Holy Water (often Easter Water) as summer begins the day after.
May 1st - St Joseph the Worker (May Day)
May 2nd - St Athanasius of Alexandria (bishop & Doctor of the Church)
May 3rd - St Philip & St James the Lesser (Apostles) - First Friday
May 4th - St Conleth (bishop)
Popes Intentions for May
General Intention – The Administrators of Justice: That those who administer justice will always act with integrity and upright conscience.
Mission Intention – Seminarians: That seminarians, especially from mission churches, may always be pastors according to the heart of Christ, fully devoted to the proclamation of the Gospel.
Healing of Silent Memories: - is a ceremony for the naming of babies/children who have died as a result of miscarriage, stillbirth or sudden infant death syndrome. The ceremony contains a beautiful ritual of naming which recognises in a fuller way the child’s place in the family and in the community. The family takes home a Certificate of Naming and the community also cherishes the name in a beautiful book created for that purpose and held in a place of reverence. The family also take home a special candle which has been used during the naming service. Those who have taken part in the past have spoken of the healing effect of this on their sense of loss and pain and have experienced some peace. As well as being a naming ceremony it is also a renewal of our remembrance and inclusion of children named in previous years. For this reason we encourage families who have participated in the past to come and participate again. Their presence is also a great support for those who are coming for the first time. The invitation to come and participate is not confined to members of this parish community, but is open to all who wish to come, whatever their faith or wherever they live. The ceremony takes place at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Newcastle West on Wednesday, May 1st at 8.00pm.
Medjugorje 2013: - The West Limerick Medjugorje prayer group is organizing a pilgrimage to Medjugorje for a week from July 27th to August 3rd. We fly out from Dublin airport with Marian Pilgrimages. Spiritual Director: Fr. Richard Keane C.C. The cost for the week B/B and evening dinner is € 659 ex Dublin. While there we will experience three days of the youth festival, joining over 50,000 young people from more than 60 countries in a truly unforgettable celebration. Contact Mary Keating (069-60375) or Paddy Geary (087-6247672).
13-Day Holy Land Pilgrimage 2013: - Walk in the Footsteps of our Lord from October 23rd to November 4th 2013. Spiritual Director: Fr. Damien Ryan. Half board Accommodation and including all Airport Taxes Ex Dublin - €1,500 P.P.S. Early booking is essential as there are only limited places. For further Details contact Tom O’ Dwyer: 087-2701311 or Sile: 086-8590394.
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