This weeks podcast is available HERE.
The mission of the Community is to reveal to every man and woman the presence of the God of Love in our lives, Jesus Christ, who is “Emmanuel”, ”God With Us”, and wants to be close to us.
Geraldine talks to us about the work of the community and how people become involved and members of the community especially their work during the International Eucharistic Congress 2012 and also in Limerick Diocese.
Gospel - John 6:1-15
We return to the gospel of John this week and it is the first in a series of readings from chapter 6 in John's gospel which will be reading and reflecting over the next five weeks. The chapter is a Eucharistic centred section of John's gospel with the focus being on Jesus declaration of self identity "I am the Bread of Life".
We met Jesus sitting on the mountain - once again John presents Jesus in the teaching role, seated with the people drawing close to him looking for guidance and truth. It echos last weeks reading from Mark where Jesus looked on the crowd and had compassion and began teaching them. Looking to our own lives, it is a reminder that God is always there waiting for us; waiting to welcome us back no matter what. Like the father of the prodigal son, he is never going to cut us off; it is us who cut ourselves from God. Are we feeling lost, alone, looking for direction? Do we make time and space to encounter Jesus and hear what he wants to say to us.
The miracle of the feeding of the multitude with five barley loaves and two fish is a reminder of the generosity of God and the need for us to gather and support each other in community. Those that are prepared to put their trust in God no matter how little, will receive it back a thousand fold. Like the miracle of Cana, the miracle expresses the exuberant generosity of God. Are we open to the working out of that grace in our lives? But also are we open to the small things in life like God is; or do we focus too much on the "important" things?
The use of the barley loaves - which were the bread of the poor - reminds us that no matter how "lowly" the world sees and categorises things; God sees and loves them for their intrinsic work and that God's grace can transform every and any situation f we are open to allowing God's grace to work in us.
Other reflections on this weeks gospel:
Word on Fire
Sunday Reflections
Blue Eyed Ennis and here
Centre for Liturgy
English Dominicans
Liturgical odds and ends
Popes Intentions for the month of August:
General Intention - Prisoners: That prisoners may be treated with justice and respect for their human dignity.
Mission Intention - Youth witness to Christ: That young people, called to follow Christ, may be willing to proclaim and bear witness to the Gospel to the ends of the earth.
Divine Office: Psalter Week 1
Saints of the Week
July 30th - St Peter Chrysologus
July 31st - St Ignatius of Loyola (founder of the Jesuits)
August 1st - St Alphonsus Ligouri (founder of the Redemptorists)
August 2nd - St Peter Julian Eymard
August 3rd - Bl Philip Powell - (First Friday of the month)
August 4th - St John Vianney
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