The podcast of this weeks full programme can be listened to HERE.
Bro Columba interview can be listened to HERE.
Life as a Benedictine Monk - Bro Columba McCann OSB
Regular listeners to the programme know that SS102fm likes to share the life and charisms of different members of our church in Limerick and we joined this morning by a guest from Glenstal Abbey to talk to us about the Benedictine life.
From the Abbeys own website:
Glenstal Abbey is a Benedictine monastery in County Limerick, Ireland. Founded in 1927, it now numbers 50 monks. The Abbey, founded in memory of Blessed Columba Marmion, is dedicated to Saints Joseph and Columba. It belongs to the Congregation of the Annunciation, in the confederation of Benedictine monks. The monastery is directed by an Abbot - Dom Patrick Hederman (who has previously been on SS102fm), who is elected by his brothers for an eight year term. The monks run a boarding school for boys, a farm and a guest house, and are involved in scholarly and pastoral activities. They assemble in the church five times a day for prayer (the Divine Office and the Mass), in which Gregorian chant plays a significant part. The Benedictine liturgical style is characterised by beauty and harmony, celebrating God’s presence, while it evokes a response of loving reverence in the monk.
A monk is also a man of Peace. Over the main archway of Glenstal Abbey there is a bronze motto, which consists of one word: ‘PAX’: (PEACE). A monastery is a place where peace reigns, where the monks practise fraternal charity and forebearance towards each other and to all with whom they come into contact. A monastery is a place apart, where all may find peace, quiet, recollection, and ultimately God Himself.
There is a rich variety of monastic work at Glenstal. Monks of this abbey are engaged in academic, artistic, literary, domestic, administrative and agricultural work. There is no specific work associated with a monk and the monastic apostolate is primarily one of presence, witness and service. The Work of God, the Sacred Liturgy, comes before all else in the life of a monk. Images of the work and life of the community are available HERE.
You can learn about Benedictines, St Benedict and the Rule of St Benedict here.

Reflecting on the process of discernment Bro Columba speaks of the need to seek advice, of regular prayer, daily scripture readings and ultimately to see where the joy leads you.
Contact information and details about vocations here.
Gospel - John 14:23-29
Word on Fire
English Dominicans
Sunday Reflections
Centre for Liturgy
Liturgical Odds and Ends
Liturgy of the Hours - Week 2
Saints of the Week
May 6th - Bl Edward Jones and Anthony Middleton
May 7th - St Rose Venerini
May 8th - St Peter of Tarentaise
May 9th - St Catherine of Bologna
May 10th - St Comghall
May 11th - St Ignatius of Laconi
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