7 Mar 2011

50th Eucharistic Congress - Dublin 2012 - Prayer, Patron Saints and Official Hymn

Prayer for the 50th International Eucharistic Congress in Ireland in 2012
Lord Jesus,
You were sent by the Father
to gather together those who are scattered.
You came among us, doing good and bringing healing,
announcing the Word of salvation
and giving the Bread which lasts forever.
Be our companion on life’s pilgrim way.
May your Holy Spirit inflame our hearts,
enliven our hope and open our minds,
so that together with our sisters and brothers in faith
we may recognise you in the Scriptures
and in the breaking of bread.
May your Holy Spirit transform us into one body
and lead us to walk humbly on the earth,
in justice and love,
as witnesses of your resurrection.
In communion with Mary,
whom you gave to us as our Mother
at the foot of the cross,
through you
may all praise, honour and blessing be to the Father
in the Holy Spirit and in the Church,
Now and forever.

Given the relationship SacredSpace102fm has with our celestial guides, regular readers and listeners might be interested to know who the patron saints of the 50th IEC are:

St. Columbanus, well known especially in mainland Europe for his Missionary activity, during what were known as the “dark ages.” He founded monasteries in France and Switzerland and is particularly associated with a monastic settlement in Bobbio (N. Italy) Columbanus is also the patron of the Missionary Society of St. Columban (Maynooth Mission to China) which has engaged extensively in the promotion of the Gospel in Asia and in Latin America, since the early years of the 20th century.

(Regular SacredSpace102 readers and listeners will need no introduction to this next old friend of ours!!!)

St. Mary MacKillop: daughter of Scottish immigrants to Australia canonised by Pope Benedict in October 2010. Mary Helen MacKillop founded the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart and much of her work was focused on the education of the rural poor. She is particularly noted for her outreach to those who were on the margins of society. Her strong commitment to justice brought her into conflict with people both inside and outside of the Church.

Blessed Margaret Ball was born in Meath but came to live in Dublin, where her husband Alexander was Lord Mayor during the time of Elizabeth I. Margaret was known for her devotion to the Eucharist She suffered imprisonment in Dublin Castle for short periods on numerous occasions because she continued to provide facilities in her home for the celebration of Mass. After her son Walter renounced his faith to become Lord Mayor, she was once more imprisoned and died in Dublin Castle. Margaret was noted for her commitment to deepening her understanding of her faith.

Though We are Many - Official Congress Hymn

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