31 Mar 2011

Lenten Reflection (No. 14) - Desert Pathways

I am a pilgrim,
Alone, yet not alone.
Always journeying along pathways
At a slow pace,
The pace of a sedated snail.
My journey of life-ing
Has many resting places,
Many cross-roads,
Many pathways,
Many watering places.
I pause now at this particular well
In the centre of Sychar or is it right here?
To sit,
To sit in silence,
To sit in stillness,
To allow
My parched soul to drink freely
Of that living water,
To quench the yearings within,
To water the arid desert within,
To refresh my inner spirit.
I am a pilgrim,
Alone, yet not alone,
At this well, at this cross-roads,
At this time of my life
I feel his touch,
I feel his presence,
I hear his gentle, reassuring voice.
Jesus wakes me at dawn with his words on my lips:
‘Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you,
 I have called you by name, you are mine.’
I sit at the well throughout each day being held by Jesus.
We talk together.
We are silent together.
We are still together.
A sacred space.
Holy ground.
                                                                                                Patricia Lennon[1]

[1] Anne Alcock, Woman in Search of Wholeness, (Cork, 2002), p. 41-42.

30 Mar 2011

Lenten Reflection (No. 13) - Jesus remember me

Limerick Diocesan Pastoral Centre Resource Email - 30th March 2011

Each week Noirin Lynch from Limerick Diocesan Pastoral Centre sends around an pastoral resource email for use of parishes within Limerick diocese. Below we have some of the items from this week’s email but if you would like to be included on Noirin's distribution list drop her a line to NLynch@ldpc.ie:

A Lenten retreat day:  Sat, 2nd April.  Glenstal Abbey. All welcome.
“One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!(Jn 9:25b)”

An afternoon of reflection and prayer in the lovely setting of Glenstal monastery.
Participants can choose to participate in some or all of the day. Booking in advance would be appreciated (Call 061 400133).

12.10pm - Glenstal Abbey midday Mass
1-2pm - Lunch available in local restaurants (e.g. Croker Bar in Murroe)
2:15 - 4.45pm "One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see" (Jn 9:25b) Speaker: Noirin Lynch. (2 x 40 minute reflections on scripture  with time for personal and, if desired, group reflection.)
4:45 – 5:30pm - Tour of the Icon Chapel
6:00pm - Glenstal Abbey Vespers, all welcome.
Sedar Meal:    Tues, 5th April. 8-10pm. Pastoral Centre. 12 places only
"I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer" Lk 22:15
The Passover Dinner, with all of its symbolism, was used by Jesus to explain his ministry one last time. And, at the end of this dinner, Jesus asked his disciples to “Do this in remembrance of me”. The early Church took this request seriously. The Seder Dinner was the basis of their Christian Lord's Day Service for the next 300 years. More and more Christians are including the Seder Dinner into their Holy Week activities, in order to learn the significance of this ceremony and the connection we all have with our Jewish heritage.  This Seder Meal is being offered to those who would like to learn about, and experience it, with a view to then offering it in their parish during Holy Week this year.

Lent on Line: A talks series free to watch on your computer
These 15 minute talks tackle serious topics and would be great discussion starters for a group, or points of reflection for an individual. You can now view the following three lectures free online:
Week 1: Can God be found in human suffering? Prof. Eamonn Conway
Week 2: Talking to, for and about God in dark times.  Dr. Jessie Rogers
Week 3: Wherein lies hope? Dr. Rik Van Nieuwenhove

In this week’s talk Rik challenges us about HOPE, - and about the sin of presumption and despair, which cause us to feel we have no need of God or that God has no interest in us. He also speaks of hope in the face of death, something we both trivialised and made taboo, in the face of our struggle to let go and let God.
An interesting and challenging talk  - the text is available to print out, and some group discussion questions are also included. Interested? – to find out more or join this free service please e-mail mary.t.martin@mic.ul.ie or see http://www.nostra.ie/news/lol-lent-on-line

Lenten talks series in Limerick – a reminder
Dominican Biblical institute 
Thursday, 31st March – Fr Noel Kirwan
Faces of Forgiveness. Fr Noel is PP of St Michaels Church, Director of the Pastoral Centre, and Director of Vocation for Limerick diocese.

Tuesday 5 April  - Mark Anthony O’Donnell
The Story of the Universe: What scientists have discovered in the past 100 years . Mark Anthony is a Christian Brother who taught science and more recently studied Cosmology at the California Institute of Integral Studies.

Tuesday 12 April  - John O’Shea                    
All that's lacking is the will: Surviving and enabling others to survive in a time
of crisis. John is the founder and director of the aid-agency GOAL which works in 12 countries.

Glenstal Abbey
April 3rd Fourth Sunday of Lent
Prof. Liam Tracey OSM, Professor of Liturgy, St Patrick’s College Maynooth

April 10th Fifth Sunday of Lent
Br. Martin Browne OSB, Headmaster Glenstal Abbey School.

Each presentation is at 4.30pm followed by Vespers at 6.00pm.

29 Mar 2011

Lenten Reflections (No.12) - Ubi caritas

Sacred Space 102fm has its 10,000th visitor

We might not be the biggest blog on the web, but from all the team at Sacred Space 102fm, thank you to all our visitors!

John, Lorraine, Fr Michael, Michael, Colin and Shane

28 Mar 2011

Some web browsing.........

A quick jaunt around some issues that came up on the blogosphere over the last while that you might be interested in reading, in no particular order:

27 Mar 2011

Lenten Reflections (No. 11) - The Samaritan Woman

Samaritan Woman at the Well, by He Qi, China
The Samaritan woman’s story is traditionally referred to as the story of the Samaritan woman at the well or the woman at the well.  It is important to think of this story as the Samaritan woman’s story because this title places her at the centre of the story.  It emphasises how she interacted with Jesus and ultimately chose to become a disciple and spread the message of Jesus.  Moreover, this title encourages Christians today to engage with the text more and parallel their lives with that of the Samaritan woman as she became a disciple of Jesus.

In the history of theology and spirituality to date, the significance of the Samaritan woman’s story has largely been misinterpreted by many commentators.   She has been referred to as ignorant, someone who should be pitied, a vile prostitute, and sassy.  These interpretations of the woman at the well are very limited and do not allow the reader the opportunity to understand the richness of this story.  The Samaritan woman listened to Jesus’ self-revelation of being the Messiah and became a disciple of Jesus.  This story is a valuable model which can provide hope for the contemporary ministry of Christians, for both women and men in the Church today.

The Samaritan woman’s story has always held a personal interest for me as there is so much to discover about the Samaritan woman, through research and personal reflection.  I find myself returning to this specific story again and again.  I can see parallels between my own life and the life of the Samaritan woman, reflected in the struggles which the woman endured, firstly by being a woman, and secondly by leaving her old life behind after Jesus revealed Himself as the Messiah. 

The Samaritan woman’s story offers hope for Christians today in their ministry in the Church.  Not much will be gleaned from the Samaritan woman’s story if the story is only read at a surface level.  Instead the story has to be made relevant to the person’s life for them to find a connection with the story.  I contend that the Samaritan woman’s story has a lot to offer Christians in the approaches to their spirituality and ministry in the Church.

Just as the Samaritan woman left her water jar behind in order to become a disciple of Jesus, it is time for us to follow in her footsteps, leave our water jars behind and become disciples of Jesus. 


26 Mar 2011

Pray for Japan

Our Lady of Akita, Japan, pray for us

De Profundis

Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord; Lord, hear my voice.
Let Your ears be attentive to my voice in supplication.
If You, O Lord, mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?
But with You is forgiveness, that You may be revered.
I trust in the Lord; my soul trusts in His word.
My soul waits for the Lord more than sentinels wait for the dawn.
More than sentinels wait for the dawn, let Israel wait for the Lord,
For with the Lord is kindness and with Him is plenteous redemption;
And He will redeem Israel from all their iniquities.

March 27th 2011 - 3rd Sunday of Lent Year A

On this weeks programme we have a regular catch up with Stephanie O'Donnell from Youth2000, we have our regular weekly reflection on the Sunday gospel, this week looking at the encounter between Jesus and the Woman at the Well, a quick review of the upcoming saints of the week, as well as some reflective music to ease you through the beginning of the third Sunday of Lent.

Youth2000 Ireland

Youth 2000 is an international movement of young people called to spread the Good News of the Catholic faith and share this experience with other young people. They have around 40 weekly prayer groups around the country, 16 to 18 weekend retreats throughout the year, a summer festival, an annual ball and various other social events - all organised by young people, for young people.

Their motto is "Youth leading youth to the heart of the Church." We have experienced the love of God in our lives, and come to know how joyful and fulfilling it is to live out the Catholic faith. They want to share this with others, and lead our peers to Jesus Christ, the source of all love, joy and happiness.

Details of prayer groups can be found here. Up coming events which people might be interesred in:
  • 13th to 15th May 2011 - Munster Retreat - Friday evening to Sunday afternoon at Myross Wood, Leap, Co. Cork. Encountering Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration, talks and discussions for young people to help them explore their faith and how it can help them live in the world today.
  • 3rd to 6th June 2011 - Youth 2000 Silent Retreat - The annual Youth 2000 Silent Retreat will take place in Manresa Retreat Centre, Dollymount, Dublin 3.  The retreat will led by Fr. Terence Crotty OP.  Please contact the office on 01 6753690 if you are interested.  Pre-booking is essential.  As always, the retreat is donation only.  However, the cost to Youth 2000 is €175 per person which includes all food and accommodation on a single room basis.
Gospel - John 4:5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42

In this weeks gospel, we have a familiar story during the Lenten season of Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well. Jesus is once more challanging the accepted norms of his society by reaching out to a Samaritan woman who is on the margins of her society - unusal for a man to speak to a unmarried woman, and for a Jew to talk with a Samaritan. We can surmise that the woman herself is viewed as being on the margins by the fact she is going to the well in the middle of the day rather than the cool of the morning or evening.

We are listening to a long, one to one discussion between Jesus and the Woman who enter into dialogue with each other. We have Jesus, approaching the Woman looking for her assistance because he is thirsty. The thirst he had may have been physical but it reminds us of some of the last words from the cross "I thirst" which has been reflected on during the centuries to signify the desire of God for us to turn back to the unending love that he is pouring out on us, like divine love to be poured onto our parched souls, the deserts of our hearts; Divine Love which opened its side on the cross. Such a Divine Love is open to us all to receive.

In a world where we are seeking satisfaction in our lives, the Womans search is a guide to us all - where she in turn represents the loss of direction of her own people the Samaritans. Are we open to seeking out the really essential things of life?

"Give me a drink" - have there been times when we have needed a drink; be it a consoling word, inspirational music, a moment of pause? Have we been willing to receive such a "drink" but have we also been open to offering such gifts from the Lord to be shared? Are we willing to follow the example of the Woman to be a witness, to offer community to those around us?

Other reflections on this weeks gospel from the Deacons Bench, Word on Fire, English Dominicans,

Saints of the Week

March 29th - St Eustace of Luxeuil
March 30th - St John of the Ladder
March 31st - St Stephan of Mar Saba
April 1st - St Celsus of Armagh
April 2nd - St Rufus of Glendalough

Local Notices
  • Lenten Talks: - Our Lady's Pastoral Area has arranged a series of Lenten Talks to be held in the Parish Centre, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick Please come along on the evenings listed below.  A very good spiritual exercise to undertake during Lent.  No admission charge:  
Wednesday, March 30th 2011 at 8.00pm
Theme: 'Do I really pray?  Come and explore'
Speaker: Fr. Micheal Liston
Wednesday, April 6th 2011 at 8.00pm
Theme: 'Why I am still involved in the Church'
Speakers: Two young adults share their thoughts
Wednesday, April 13th 2011 at 8.00pm
Theme: 'Are we a spiritual family?'
Speaker: A mother of a young family puts some ideas before us on how to be "family"

24 Mar 2011

March 25th - The Annunication of the Lord

Tanner, Henry Ossawa
The Annunciation
"The angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town of Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the house of David, and the virgin’s name was Mary. And coming to her, he said,“Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you.” But she was greatly troubled at what was said and pondered what sort of greeting this might be. Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father, and he will rule over the house of Jacob forever, and of his Kingdom there will be no end.” But Mary said to the angel,“How can this be, since I have no relations with a man?” And the angel said to her in reply,“The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God. And behold, Elizabeth, your relative, has also conceived a son in her old age, and this is the sixth month for her who was called barren; for nothing will be impossible for God.” Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Then the angel departed from her."

Reflections from Godzdogz, the Anchoress and YIM Catholic.

World Water Day 2011 - A Sermon

The international observance of World Water Day is an initiative that grew out of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro. The goal is to recognize the central importance of water to life on earth and to recognize the way competition and lack of water can be a source of conflict and suffering. In recognition of World Water Day 2011 (March 22nd), an inter-faith consortium of American religious leaders belonging to a group called Faiths For Safe Water wrote a collective 'sermon' to emphasize the religious importance of water and the access to it.

A Sermon For World Water Day 2011

We Don't Honor God when 4500 children die every day. But they do ... from the lack of something so simple, each of us takes it for granted each day -- a clean glass of water. 4500 children -- that means every 20 seconds, one child dies, that little life extinguished. But you've probably not heard that tragic statistic because the lack of safe water is the greatest under-recognized global humanitarian crisis we face and its impact is staggering. 4500 children really do die every single day from water-related illnesses, and that is just the tip of this very unhealthy iceberg.

Almost a billion people do not have access to safe water globally and 2.5 billion lack the dignity of basic sanitation. This lack of access translates into more staggering numbers: 80 percent of all disease is related to a lack of sanitation and at any given time, half of the world's hospital beds are occupied by patients suffering from water-borne diseases. We are acutely aware of the plight of starvation and all too familiar with the heart-wrenching pictures of distended malnourished bellies. But did you know that 50 percent of that malnutrition is due to a lack of safe water -- 50 percent! This water crisis kills more children than malaria, AIDS, and TB combined, resulting in a catastrophic 2 million, mostly preventable deaths, every year. Think about it this way -- we fight against malaria but poor sanitation increases breeding in malaria-carrying mosquitoes. We work to make sure HIV/AIDS patients get the anti-retroviral drugs they need to sustain life, but already susceptible to disease, they must take these drugs with unsafe water. Not prioritizing the global water crisis defies logic.

This pervasive level of illness prevents productivity and increases poverty. And inequality -- especially for girls and women because water is a woman's burden around the world. Not only can women spend up to 60 percent of their day walking to collect water, their bodies quite literally break down from hauling the heavy forty-plus pound water jugs every day, sometimes along desolate and unsafe paths, so their families can have something to cook and clean with and drink. Even if it is dirty and unsafe. Girls are denied education when forced to leave school to help their mothers with this heavy burden. And when there is no gender appropriate sanitation facilities to take care of their personal needs, they often drop out of school.
Access to safe water even impacts war and peace: the potential for conflict over water rights, and more importantly, the potential for negotiated peace. Here's perhaps the greatest shame of all: This problem is solvable.

And our religions are already a part of the solution. Secular and nonsecular water development field work is happening around the world. But these projects need to be dramatically ramped up with far wider, sustained support.

Continue reading here.

Further information from Irish Aid about the support the Irish state gives and also from Water for Life Campaign Ireland.

23 Mar 2011

Lenten Reflection (No. 10) - Ascent of Mount Carmel

In order to arrive at having pleasure in everything, Desire to have pleasure in nothing.
In order to arrive at possessing everything, Desire to possess nothing.
In order to arrive at being everything, Desire to be nothing.
In order to arrive at knowing everything, Desire to know nothing.

In order to arrive at that point where you take no pleasure, you must go by a way that gives no pleasure.
In order to arrive at that point where you know nothing, you must go by a way you do not know.
In order to arrive at that point where you are free of possessing, you must go by a way you do not possess.
In order to arrive at that point at which you are nothing, you must go through that which you are not.
— St. John of the Cross, Ascent of Mount Carmel, book I chapter 13, section 11
H/T to The Anchoress

22 Mar 2011

Lenten Reflections (No. 9) - The Lamb of God

I remember when at school ( more years ago than I care to remember) memorizing that beautiful poem 'All in an April Evening' ( by Katharine Tynan Hinkinson 1861-1931) which we had to learn by heart, (or woe betide us!).Then the emphasis was placed on being able to remember the next line! To-day, many years later that beautiful poem strikes a very different chord in my heart......as I drive in my car & see the lambs in the fields.God's very Creation becomes my meditation.
Just 'listen' as you read.
                     All in an April evening
                     April airs were abroad
                     The sheep with their little lambs
                     Passed me by on the road.
                     The sheep with their little lambs 
                      Passed me by on the road
                      All in an April evening
                      I thought on the Lamb of God.
                      The lambs were weary & crying 
                      With a weak human cry
                      I thought on the Lamb of God
                      Going meekly to die.
                      Up in the blue blue mountains 
                      Dewy pastures are sweet
                      Rest for the little bodies 
                      Rest for the little feet.
                      But for the Lamb of God
                      Up on a hilltop green
                      Only a cross of shame 
                      Two stark crosses between.
                       All in the April evening
                       April airs were abroad
                       I saw the sheep with their lambs
                       And thought on the Lamb of God.

For me this is what Lent is all about. It's all about Jesus.Isn't it?

At Mass in the Gloria we say 'Lord God Lamb of God,' and likewise in the Agnus Dei, "This is the 'Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world". John's Gospel ch. 1 v 29  & 36 also speak of the Lamb of God.

In the language of the Jews, the word 'Lamb' can mean both servant & lamb. Jesus is the Servant of God spoken of by the Prophets in the Old Testament, who was to sacrifice himself for his brothers & sisters. He is also the True Lamb that replaces the Paschal lamb of the Jewish Passover (Mk 14 :12).

To understand this a little more we read Isaiah where the Prophet speaks of The Suffering Servant.

Ch.53:3-4 'He was despised & rejected, a man of sorrows familiar with grief.Yet ours was the sorrows he bore, ours were the sufferings He endured. By His wounds we are healed'.

In Acts 8: 32-33., we read about Philip explaining the above passage of the' Suffering Servant' to  the Ethopian; "He was led like a sheep to be slaughtered, like a lamb that is dumb before it's shearer, he did not open his mouth.He was humbled & deprived of his rights......"

Lent then is a time for Reflection on the Passion of Christ & while the Church laws are fairly lenient  on fasting, and there is less stress on the same, we would do good to 'Feast on the Expression of the Cross', The Lamb that was slain, in order that we may enter more deeply into the Mystery of Christ's saving act of Redemption, and the giving of Himself  to us in the Eucharist.


21 Mar 2011

Lenten Reflections (No. 8) - What does Lent mean to me?

One contribution for our series of reflections on Lent is from Majella who contributed to an article in the Irish Catholic during Lent 2010 with the following questions and answers.
  • Are you giving up, or taking up, anything for Lent this year. And if so, why? Lent is a time for me to review and renew my relationships. I’m going to give up reacting to situations in a defensive way and focus on listening to people more.
  • Can you describe a time in the past when you have successfully completed a Lenten challenge? I did a 24hour fast and the money raised went to charity.
  • And a time you have failed? When I focused on giving up sweet food based only on my own will-power!
  • In your opinion, how relevant is Lent, and the idea of self sacrifice and abstinence to modern Ireland ?  Lent is often a time when our dependencies come to light. It’s a time when we can discern between what we really need and what we think we need. This can be an opportunity to let go of what is holding us back from living life to the full.

19 Mar 2011

Something of beauty........Va pensiero by Vivaldi (The Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves)

Translation in English
Va, pensiero, sull'ali dorate;
va, ti posa sui clivi, sui colli,
ove olezzano tepide e molli
l'aure dolci del suolo natal!

Del Giordano le rive saluta,
di Sionne le torri atterrate...
Oh mia patria sì bella e perduta!
Oh membranza sì cara e fatal!

Arpa d'or dei fatidici vati,
perché muta dal salice pendi?
Le memorie nel petto raccendi,
ci favella del tempo che fu!

O simile di Sòlima ai fati
traggi un suono di crudo lamento,
o t'ispiri il Signore un concento
che ne infonda al patire virtù.
Fly, thought, on wings of gold;
go settle upon the slopes and the hills,
where, soft and mild, the sweet airs
of our native land smell fragrant!

Greet the banks of the Jordan
and Zion's toppled towers...
Oh, my country so beautiful and lost!
Oh, remembrance so dear and so fatal!

Golden harp of the prophetic seers,
why dost thou hang mute upon the willow?
Rekindle our bosom's memories,
and speak to us of times gone by!

Mindful of the fate of Jerusalem,
give forth a sound of crude lamentation,
or may the Lord inspire you a harmony of voices
which may instill virtue to suffering.

20th March 2011 - 2nd Sunday of Lent Year A

On this weeks show we have our regular "sacred space" for your prayers and intentions, an introduction to the Saint Joseph's Young Priests Society, our regular reflection on this weeks Sunday gospel which is on the Transfiguration, some local notices and a scamper through the saints of the coming week.

St Joseph's Young Priests Society

On this weeks show, Mairead Noonan introduces us to the St Joseph's Young Priests Society. St Joseph's Young Priests Society was started in 1895 by Galway born Olivia Mary Taaffe.

The Society exists to help student clerics on their journey to Priesthood. The Society fosters vocations to the priesthood and religious life. It assists students for the priesthood both financially and by prayer. It promotes the vocation of the laity and fosters a greater understanding and love of the Mass. The Society holds prayer meetings for the vocations and arranges pilgrimages, Eucharistic adoration, vigils, seminars and retreats so that its members may give witness to Christian living.

The Society helps students for the priesthood from any diocese in the country who are recommended by a board of priests appointed by the four Archbishops in Ireland. They also help students throughout the world - where the need exists. The Society helps seminarians both spiritually and financially. The task of fostering vocations depends on the whole Christian community. By being involved in St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society we can help in this important work and also support our priests.

This weekend in Newcastle West, the Society is taking up a collection to help with their work rather than their traditional door-to-door appeal. If you would like make a donation online, please see the Society's website.

Gospel Reflection - The Transfiguration - Matthew 17: 1-9

This weeks reflection focuses on a number of ideas and themes from our panelists. It is a familiar gospel as we hear about it twice in the liturgical year - during Lent and on the Feast of the Transfiguration.

It has many overtones from the Old Testament and the history of the Chosen People. The Lord and his stalwarts, Peter, James and John go up the mountain to take time apart with the Lord - do we allow "Tabor moments" in our lives? The theme of mountains and the journey to meet the Lord is a frequent motif through scripture - Jesus preaches the sermon on the mount which we had over the last few weeks, Jesus goes up Tabor for the transfiguration and his exultation, he ascends up into Jerusalem and the Mountain of Zion where he is acclaimed by the crowds. Then he ascends Calvary to his ultimate exultation on the Cross and finally he ascends the Mount of Olives with the disciples and from there ascends into heaven. From the Old Testament we have the two holy mountains, Sinai - where the Law was given to Moses (the Lawgiver of the Chosen People) - and Horeb - where Elijah (the ultimate Prophet of the Lord) encountered the Lord in that gentle breeze. And as we know the  process of making space to encounter the Lord can be difficult - like climbing a mountain.

The Transfiguration is a moment of reassurance to Jesus (and ultimately the disciples after his death and resurrection) as he moves towards Jerusalem that he is doing the Father's will.

The gospel calls us to use our imagination to be "belonging" people. It is a gospel showing how Jesus was a belonging person. His humanity shown in the relationship with Peter, John and James and how they are with him. Then we also have Jesus at home in the Trinity with the voice of the Father and the presence of the Holy Spirit in the cloud. And  the Father encourages us and mandates us to listen to what Jesus has to say so that we can be drawn into the intimacy of God.

But anytime we go to a "high" place and have a remarkable experience, Fr Jack McArdle  reminds us that "holiness is not what happens on the mountain. It is what happens when I am down in the reality and humdrum of everyday existence". The mountain moment can give us support when we have our daily moments of dying - dying for another which is when we truly love another. We are called to "listen to him", to create space for sabbath moments for the Lord and he reminds us to "have no fear" for He is always with us and we need to remind ourselves of that. Many people look for the exotic and the special event to affirm the existence of God to go up onto the mountain. But climbing the mountain and getting out of the pit of despair is only the first part of the journey. The hard part is to come down safely off the mountain and be willing to answer the Lords call to come down off the mountain into our daily existence.

Further reflections from: Godzdogz, Word on Fire, Fr Jim Kirstein SMA,  

Saints of the Week

March 21st - St Enda - Abbot - Patriarch of Irish Monasticism
March 22nd - St Deogratis of Carthage
March 23rd - St Turibius of Mongrovejo - Bishop
March 24th - St Macartan - Bishop - Patron of the Diocese of Clogher
March 25th - The Annunciation of the Lord - Solemnity (and here)
March 26th - St Ludger of Munster (Germany) - Missionary and Patron of Saxony

Local Notices
  • Holy Land 2011: - October 28th to November 6th 2011.  4 nights in Galilee and 5 nights in Jerusalem.  Fully inclusive cost: € 1,640.00.  Spiritual Director: Fr. Frank Duhig.  There are some places available.  If you are interested please contact 069-62141 as soon as possible.

  • Searcher’s Day: - hosted by the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart.  If you are aged 18-45, we invite you to consider and explore priesthood, at home and abroad on Sunday, April 10th from 10am to 4pm in the Sacred Heart Centre, Western Road, Cork.  For more information contact Fr. John Fitzgerald MSC at 086-8626007 (email: jfitz@mscvocations.com).
  • Monastic Weekend - Are you called to share in our way of life?The Carmelites of Tallow, Co. Waterford are holding a monastic weekend for single women (22-38 years of age) from March 25th to 27th 2011.  For more information contact 058-56205 or email carmeltallow@eircom.net 
  • Not your usual Saturday: - Join the Salesian Sisters and others who are exploring life choices at Dún Íde, Lower Shelbourne Road, Limerick on Saturday, March 26th for a vocation discernment day. Contact Frances Beggan FMA at 087-6445578 or 061-454511.
  • Lenten Talks: - Our Lady's Pastoral Area has arranged a series of Lenten Talks to be held in the Parish Centre, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick Please come along on the evenings listed below.  A very good spiritual exercise to undertake during Lent.  No admission charge:
Wednesday, March 23rd 2011 at 8.00pm
Theme:  'Lent - A Time for Returning'
Speaker: Fr. Noel Kirwan
Wednesday, March 30th 2011 at 8.00pm
Theme: 'Do I really pray?  Come and explore'
Speaker: Fr. Micheal Liston
Wednesday, April 6th 2011 at 8.00pm
Theme: 'Why I am still involved in the Church'
Speakers: Two young adults share their thoughts
Wednesday, April 13th 2011 at 8.00pm
Theme: 'Are we a spiritual family?'
Speaker: A mother of a young family puts some ideas before us