On this weeks programme the team begins a new item of Listener Q&A's especially for the Year of Faith. We have our regular reflection on the Sunday gospel. We have some local notices and saints of the week.
This weeks programme can be listened to HERE.
Previous blog posts on the feast of the Epiphany and Nollaig na mBan in 2011 and 2010.
Listener's Q&A
This weeks listeners Q&A was "What is a saint?" Lorraine and John take us through a quick discussion about what saints are.
"Saints are the standard operating model for being human"
"Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future"
Saints are not freaks or exceptions. They are the standard operating model for human beings. In fact, in the biblical sense of the word, all believers are saints. "Sanctity" means holiness.
Saints are not the opposite of sinners. There are no opposites of sinners in this world. There are only saved sinners and unsaved sinners.
Further reading here
Gospel - Matthew 2:1-12
"They set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was.When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh."The feast of the Epiphany in the latin tradition focuses on the manifestation or showing of the Child Jesus to the Magi or Wise men who have come to seek the new King of the Jews. The three wisdom seekers represent the gentiles; those outside the covenanted community of Israel to whom the Messiah will also come. Where the shepherds represented the Chosen People, the three magi represent all those who truly search and seek for God in our world even if from out side our community and experiences. The questions this familiar part of the Christmas narrative can pose to us include:
- What "star" do I follow in my life? Do I follow the Morning Star which is Christ or do I have other things I follow?
- Am I open to seeing the Divine in others even if they are different from me?
- Like the Wise men, am I willing to trust in God and go where She leads me, even if it means travelling far (literally or metaphorically), believing that God will be "my staff and my shield"?
Reflections on this weeks gospel:
- Word on Fire
- English Dominicans
- Sunday Reflections
- Patrick Muldoon
- Centre for Liturgy
- The Text this Week
- Renewal Ministries
Liturgical odds and ends
Divine Office - Week 2
Pope's Intentions for January 2013
- The Faith of Christians. That in this Year of Faith Christians may deepen their knowledge of the mystery of Christ and witness joyfully to the gift of faith in him.
- Middle Eastern Christians. That the Christian communities of the Middle East, often discriminated against, may receive from the Holy Spirit the strength of fidelity and perseverance.
- Prayer for the Pope's Intention
Saints of the Week
January 7th - St Raymond of Penyafort
January 8th - St Lawrence GiustinianiJanuary 9th - St Anastasius of Antioch
January 10th - St Dermot of Inis Clothrann
January 11th - St Breandan
January 12th - St Bernard of Corleone
What is the origin of the graphic you used below the title in this blogpost?
ReplyDeleteLink/source http://daletedder.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/epiphany_4420c.jpg