"It's a basque carol...For me, this hymn shows Mary's transparent openness to Gods will. She trusted God, as simple as that, as humble as that. I simply love Mary's response to the Angel - 'To me be as it pleases God' she said, my soul shall laud and magnify his holy name' - in modern speak... 'whatever God wishes is ok by me and I'll thank him with all my heart for it'. And because of Mary, Gods love for me and for the entire world was given permission to be revealed in human reality with the coming of Jesus and this same God remains with us in every moment of our lives through the Holy Spirit poured into our hearts at our baptism. Absolutely fantastic, and absolutely true! In the interaction between Mary and the Angel Gabriel I see also something of the ways of God; he asks and doesn't push, God is gentle and respectful, he waits. Who could be afraid of One so gentle?
In the moments of decision, in the crisis of confusion and helplessness, Mary, full of grace, hold us by the hand so that we, like you, may open our hearts to hear God speaking to us today, giving us guidance and direction, and offering to console our hearts with his love."